CATRICE make-up cosmetics

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We are Catrice. We put our whole heart into our products. And the mind. Trends are our passion, but we are only interested in those that really make us beautiful. We are professionals, we are in love with quality. Just like you. Every face is our canvas. Your lips, her cheeks, our eyes, her eyebrows, his contours, our fingertips. We create makeup with all our heart. We want to see shelves full of cosmetics and oceans full of fish. We want the perfect color and the best and safest ingredients. We believe that makeup should make you happy. And we are only happy when we do not harm any living creature or planet. And we really commit to working on it. Already 80% of our assortment are vegan-friendly products.
We are Catrice. Passionate about make-up. Serious about people and the planet

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